Monday - Friday

We offer 3 flexible options

Monthly Tuition

Mon, Wed, Fri

Tues, Thurs


Class size: 6
9am - 11:30am

5 Days

3 Days

2 Days

Each child enjoys a snack during their time here, along with personalized one-on-one attention to help them learn more about Jesus. We also focus on teaching the foundational skills needed for Kindergarten, ensuring your child is well-prepared when the time comes.

What's Included?

You might be thinking

We are currently enrolling ages 3 to 5. Call us today to schedule a tour.

Schedule a tour here

Next Steps

Chocolate bar sesame snaps donut cookie jujubes cupcake dessert bear claw toffee. Soufflé bonbon marzipan jelly chocolate jujubes.

complete the agreement

Step Two

Chocolate bar sesame snaps donut cookie jujubes cupcake dessert bear claw toffee. Soufflé bonbon marzipan jelly chocolate jujubes.

Pay first invoice

Step Three

Chocolate bar sesame snaps donut cookie jujubes cupcake dessert bear claw toffee. Soufflé bonbon marzipan jelly chocolate jujubes.

Send Questionnaire

Step Four